Where did I come from?

My family was quite huge and complicated. I have two brothers and five sisters, making up my seven siblings. Due to my father's aggressive behavior, my family and I left our house in December 2019. My twin sister and I are staying together in a boarding house, while our other siblings are living with our uncle. Even if we may reside in different locations, our hearts are the same and nevertheless manage to flourish in this life. We view this type of setup as a chance for us to grow maturely as an individual.

Who am I?

     I am a woman who value my faith a lot. I am a Christian who happens to be a career woman. I believe that my duty is not just to be a career woman but to be a follower of Christ at the same time. I set myself as a good example through choosing the ways of God. By the grace of God, I don’t compromise my faith as I carry out the tasks, He has given me. I am a risk-taker and a fighter. One of the challenges that I am facing now is my master's degree. Nevertheless, I am confident that my God will help me through it.

Why am I here?

I am here on earth because God brought me here for a purpose. I firmly believe that one of the major reasons why I am here is to become a channel of God’s love to others. I believe that every good and perfect gift is from above (James 1:17). Where I am now is a gift, I am now working as a public-school principal’s secretary. I believe I am in my season of waiting and on my training ground until I become ready for the bigger things ahead of me. In God’s time, He will grant the desires of my heart as I continue to delight in Him to become a public-school teacher here in Tacloban City. In His time and will, I will become a person that He wants me to be.


         How should I live?

As a Christian, I should live the way Jesus lives. I learned to live this life by putting God first before doing anything else. When I wake up in the morning, I read my Bible and learn from it. By the grace of God, I’ll be able to obey the word that I received in my daily situations. Whenever I find myself in a difficult situation, I ask myself, "What Would Jesus Do?" If He is in my situation, would He worry or pray? Would he run away or face it? I learned to seek God first in order to live a wise and satisfying life. I don’t make decisions without the guidance of God. The importance of this is that it can affect the next generation in either a negative or positive impact, so I should be a good steward of the life He has given me. Choosing to become more like Christ is the best choice to make.

      Where am I going?

      I envisioned myself living in the perfect will of God. May it be a public-school Teacher or elsewhere. I believe that the steps that I am taking now are the path to where God wants me to be; to the greener pasture that He prepared. For now, the goal is to finish my master’s degree while waiting for the item in a public school. I am confident that the plans of God are still the best. I may have plans in my heart but still the Lord’s will, will prevail. All I have to do is to trust and obey Him.


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